It is challenging and dangerous to investigate and prosecute organized crime. 据悉,这是加拿大首次以法律的形式向有组织犯罪宣战。
Where serious problems arise they investigate and, if appropriate, discipline or prosecute those that have violated rules. 出现严重问题时,进行调查。适当时,处分或起诉违反规定的人。
For the first time in history, a national government had taken responsibility to investigate and, if necessary, prosecute monopolies and price-fixing cartels. 这是历史上第一次有一个国家政府承担责任调查并且在必要时起诉垄断集团和操纵价格的卡特尔。
To investigate and prosecute the case of illegal planning land shall be based on clarified facts, conclusive evidence, appropriate sentencing and lawful proceeding. 查处规划土地违法案件,应当事实清楚,证据确凿,量罚准确,符合程序。
The key to KPK's success is its total independence to investigate and prosecute cases in a special anti-corruption court. 消除腐败委员会向成功的关键是它完全独立进行调查和起诉在一个特殊的反腐败案件。
Verify documents conscientiously, find the doubtful point, should investigate and prosecute in time. 认真审核单据,发现疑点,要及时查处。
We should promptly investigate and prosecute major cases of sabotage against the order of the market economy. 抓紧查处严重破坏市场经济秩序的大案要案。
At present, in investigate and prosecute graft, corrupt, appropriating public funds this task sin cause, the circumstance of the appellee withdraw a confession is more outstanding. 当前,在查办贪污、贿赂、挪用公款等职务犯罪案件中,被告人翻供的情况比较突出。
We will strengthen administrative and democratic oversight and oversight through public opinion, resolutely investigate and prosecute violations of the law or discipline, and severely punish corruptionists. 加强行政监督、民主监督、舆论监督。坚决查处各类违纪违法案件,严厉惩治腐败分子。
Judicial accounting technology is a specialism means to investigate and prosecute economic crime case. 司法会计技术是查办经济犯罪案件的专门手段。
Four different models explain the cause of the collusive corruption and discuss the influences of parameters such as penalty, probability of investigate and prosecute and corruption payoffs under different risk level. 该四种模型解释了共谋性腐败行为存在的原因且分析了在风险不同的情况下,惩罚罚金、查处概率和腐败收益等因素对腐败成员决策的影响。